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Contact: Lara Hughes • Marketing & Communications Supervisor • Media Hotline: 651-288-4321 • Media Email:



State Fair Encourages Everyone to Put Their Best to Minnesota’s Blue Ribbon Test 


May 2, 2022


St. Paul, Minn. – The State Fair invites all to join in the tradition of competition by putting their best to “Minnesota's Blue Ribbon Test” at the 2022 Great Minnesota Get-Together. With a category for everyone and almost everything, the State Fair encourages perennial competitors and those who have never entered their work in the past to become part of the showcase of the very best our great state has to offer in categories including creative activities, fine arts, school projects, flowers, vegetables, fruits, wine, livestock, farm products and more. As part of this annual competition ritual, entrants will compete in hundreds of different State Fair competitions for ribbons, trophies and more than $1.5 million in total prize money. Those interested in putting their best to “Minnesota's Blue Ribbon Test” can visit to learn how to enter.


Deadlines for entering Minnesota State Fair competitions are as follows: 


Interactive Exhibits/Demonstrations (FFA): June 15 

Landscape Design & Construction (FFA): July 15

Fine Arts: July 18

Horses: July 25 (mail entries); Aug. 5 (online entries)

Amateur Talent Contest: July 27

Beef and Dairy Cattle (Open Class and FFA): Aug. 1 (mail entries); Aug. 8 (online entries)

Minnesota State Fair Scholarship: Aug. 1

Poultry & Rabbits: Aug. 3

Dairy, Boer and FFA Meat Goats: Aug. 8

Llamas: Aug. 8

Sheep (Open Class and FFA): Aug. 8

Stock Dogs: Aug. 8

Swine (Open Class and FFA): Aug. 8

Creative Activities (baked products, canned & preserved food, special contests, needlecraft, garment making, 

work of senior citizens, handcrafts and collections): Aug. 9 

K-12 Competition (school projects): Aug. 9 

Christmas Trees: Aug. 10

Agriculture Technology (FFA): Aug. 12

Crop Art & Scarecrow: Aug. 12

Crops (FFA): Aug. 12

Farm Crops: Aug. 12

Minnesota State Fair Flower Show: Aug. 15

Fruit & Wine: Aug. 15

Bee & Honey: Aug. 15

Vegetable & Potato: Aug. 15

Judging Contests (FFA): Aug. 22

Safe Tractor Operators Contest (FFA): Aug. 22

New Corn: Sept. 1


Minnesota 4-H members can visit for the 2022 4-H competition premium book and deadlines.


The Minnesota State Fair is one of the largest and best-attended expositions in the world. Showcasing Minnesota’s finest agriculture, art and industry, the Great Minnesota Get-Together is 12 Days of Fun Ending Labor Day. The fair is self-supporting and has not received state government funding since 1949. The 2022 Minnesota State Fair will run Aug. 25 through Labor Day, Sept. 5. Visit for more information.




Pope County Agricultural Society | PO Box 171 | 230 W Minnesota Ave | Glenwood, MN 56334 | 320-634-4855 |

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